Jeez, this trip is creeping up fast. In 20 days time, I'll be flying from Toronto to San Jose, Costa Rica to begin my adventure...!
And I've been getting organised; I went through my adventure travel kit box to see what I had already and realised there were quite a few items I could do with buying. So, after selling a couple of items on eBay and making 35 quid, I thought I'd use that money to purchase some additional kit. I bought everything in the pic above on eBay, sticking to my budget, 7 items in all:
Trepass ruck sack rain cover waterproof for my day back pack (10 to 25 litres) £7.99
Trepass anti bacterial trekking towel, navy blue, lightweight, 45cm by 90cm £8.99
12 LED waterproof head torch, also detaches and doubles as a flashlight £2.17
Insect and mosquito repellant spray, 100% DEET, 60ml bottle £6.49
2x anti mosquito repellant wrist bands, 100% DEET £2.39
23 piece travel First Aid kit with scissors £2.45
Sports head / neck strap sunglasses cord with toggle £1.98
TOTAL SPENT: £32.46 (no postage and packing costs required)
Now I need to start thinking about actually packing...
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