Sunday 6 October 2013

Amazon's rules

In my humble opinion, one of the most exciting parts of why you should try self publishing is number seven on my list: Yes, marketing is hard work but you are in control of the experiments!

So before you let loose and start experimenting, here's a quick reminder of the frowned upon "Don'ts" within Amazon's guidelines for the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) service:

1) Don't price your eBook at £2.99 to get the 70% royalty and then price it at 99p elsewhere.

2) Don't hold multiple accounts to increase book sales.

3) Don't discuss your Amazon sales figures on social media / on your website / on your blog / in forums.

4) Don't publish inappropriate content.

5) Do follow the above and indeed all of the terms and conditions because if Amazon finds you in breach of any of it, they will keep any outstanding royalties owed to you and ban you for life.

The full terms and conditions can be found on the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) website.

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