Saturday, 15 June 2013

Twitter Tit Bits Part 2

As you know, I love Twitter over all of the other social media out there and I feel Twitter is my best friend when it comes to marketing and promoting myself and my books. I've been using it now for about two years and I know I've barely scratched the surface. Here are some more useful (and creative) ideas and techniques for managing your Twitter account and keeping the enthusiasm alive.
  • Have a separate account for your book character/s or let one of your characters take over your Twitter account for a day or two
  • Use your favourites as a testimonial page by saving any nice tweets people make about your book
  • Some established hashtags for the writing and publishing world that will get your tweets circulating in the right newsfeeds
           #followfriday or #ff or #writerwednesday - recommending authors and people in your area of expertise you might want to follow

          #amwriting - charting your progress on a current project and supporting other writers

          #amediting - for when you're editing and need help and advice

          #writetip - sharing tips

          #fridayreads - persuade your friends to promote your book - or if you're reading a great book, remember to include the username of the author, the official hashtag for the book and the link to Amazon in your fridayreads tweet!

          #bookgiveaway - if you're running a promotion 
  • Work trending topics into your tweets 
  • Set up a list of your favourite tweeters to create a whole new newsfeed you can then add to your homepage on your website. It will be packed with useful info. for your followers and puts everything in one place for them (and you) 
  • If you're feeling really serious about Twitter, brave or just plain crazy, organise a "tweetup" - real-life meet up of the people you follow on Twitter!
  • Tweet about the ideas and concepts contained within your books 
  • Tweet the bits of reviews people give your books that will generate curiosity - so no bragging

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